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Alderroot Healing & Renewal

If you are a busy & socially engaged professional who cares deeply about the state of our world, chances are you feel exhausted and overwhelmed.
To live and be successful in this dominant culture, you move at a fast pace, take care of others, and focus on constantly producing.
You feel like you have to do it all, and do it well.
But this often leaves you feeling disconnected from yourself, from your true interconnected nature and your sense of purpose.
This disconnection makes you Blah--which might show up as feeling
lonely, depressed, anxious, exhausted, burned out, full of self-doubt--like you can never do enough, like you're wilting.
But, you can avoid being stuck in the Blah of our dominant culture.
You can learn to change course, to re-connect,
to know that you belong to yourself, to this living earth, to others.
When you reconnect to belonging, you'll feel more calm, confident, purposeful, and in-alignment. You'll be living a life that is enlivened and energized. You'll feel the magic of being supported in a web of meaningful relationships and sacred connection.
I'm Dr. Heather Burns. I guide busy and engaged change-makers, space-holders, and culture-shifters in moving toward renewal and belonging.
When you learn to belong to yourself, you live in alignment and purpose. When you know your sacred belonging in the earth community, you feel deeply supported and energized.
I believe that connecting to earth and spirit moves us toward wholeness and belonging. When we do this in community, we feel the power of renewal.

I understand how hard it is to be a busy and caring change-maker and space-holder in this time of climate crisis and crumbling social systems. I understand how hard it is to feel whole and happy within dominant systems that support profit, production, and urgency over your well-being.
I can help you revive from feeling burned-out or depleted, overwhelmed, unsure about your direction or purpose, and feeling alone in it all. I help you discover new possibilities rooted in connection, wholeness, and your inherent belonging.

You want to deepen and expand your life-joy and sense of ease. You want to be a grounded, wise, and confident contributor. You want your life and work to feel purposeful, aligned with your values and gifts.
You can avoid getting stuck in the Blah of our dominant culture. You can move beyond feeling burned-out, exhausted, anxious, lonely, or feeling like you're just going through the motions, missing out on the spice and joy of life because you're just too tired or overwhelmed.
I help you root into the belonging of Self-energy and earth-wisdom. You'll feel more supported and will learn to be more calm, confident, aligned, and purposeful.
Not only do you need this, but the world needs this. As adrienne maree brown says, " what we practice at the small scale sets the patterns for the whole system ."

Alders & Roots
The Red Alder is an abundant tree-friend in the Pacific Northwest. These trees are water loving and are often found on stream and river banks, growing in groups, most readily in poor and disturbed soils. They stabilize banks, provide shelter for fish, and are nitrogen fixers.
Alder root systems host nodules that are homes for bacterial communities. These bacteria convert airborne nitrogen to soil-based nutrients that nourish and heal the alders, the soil, and the surrounding plant life.
Pacific Northwest native people harvested alder wood for bowls and utensils, for smoking salmon, and made anti-inflammatory pain relief medicine from the bark. In Celtic tradition alders are a favorite tree of faeries. Alder groves are magical places to be nourished, to rest and to heal.
"The world is not a problem to be solved. It is a sacred being to which we belong."
Llewellyn Vaughn-Lee, Spiritual Ecology
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