Alderroot Healing & Renewal
Now Booking: Spring Equinox Gathering, Forest Bathing Camp & Costa Rica Retreat
I offer consulting services for those who wish to learn more about designing and facilitating transformative eco-spiritual teaching and learning. I offer expertise in designing learning and leadership that is transformative, holistic, and relational.
I can walk you through the design of your new or revised training, workshop, class, or other offering using my Emergent Ecological Design process (see below). This is an iterative and holistic process that will leave you feeling confident and clear about the design of your offering and your next steps. You can read more about this design process in my new book, Transformative Sustainability Pedagogy: Designing and Facilitating Eco-Spiritual Learning
The Burns Model of Sustainability Pedagogy is another tool I offer to support you in designing learning that is holistic, inclusive, place-based, process-oriented and relational. If you want to design learning experiences that support re-connection, transformation, and healing, I can support you.
I also consult on educational projects such as dissertations, curriculum design, program development, and more.
I charge on a sliding scale: $100-$400/hour. If you would like to work with me, please be in touch. For organizational consulting, please contact me for rates.
I am available for speaking and teaching engagements. Please contact me with any requests.
What is Emergent Ecological Design?
As humans, we are all designers and creators and how we design matters. As we collectively experience climate change and the increasing trauma that accompanies this tumultuous time for all of us, how we design takes on even greater significance.
Ecological design is a process that is rooted in a worldview of relationship and reciprocity with all life. The ecological design process grew from detailed observations of, and relationships with, the living world.
What we design highlights what we value and therefore how we live.
If we can design ecologically, in ways that most closely mimic and connect to ecological patterns, relationships, and processes, we can more fully inhabit and perpetuate a relational paradigm of interconnectedness. Ecological design creates potential for coherence, for being in harmony with other living systems and with the dynamic flow of life energy.
Ecological design is a tool for creating organizations, programs, workshops, classes, systems, and places that embody the values of care, interconnection, and healing that are so needed in these times. This kind of design is not just for experts, but in fact is for anyone interested in making a sustainable and regenerative culture. Ecological designers are catalysts and facilitators in the cultural process of transformative and healing change.