Alderroot Healing & Renewal
Now Booking: Spring Equinox Gathering, Forest Bathing Camp & Costa Rica Retreat

Hello friends,
To join the Connectvertising Collective, please read and agree to the following guidelines and submit your business profile. Once we receive your profile, your business will be added to list of the Connectvertising Collective on this website, and you'll be added to our e-mail network.
Connectvertising is currently free. In the future there may be a fee that will be used for the technical coordination and administration of this collective.
Connectvertising Collective
We self-identify as women or non-binary folks who own small businesses that support healing, empowerment, holistic health, community building, creativity, anti-racism, social justice and ecological well being. We are based in the Pacific Northwest.
We support and lift up other women & non-binary-owned businesses with similar missions. We share each others' offerings with our communities because we believe in abundance for everyone. By supporting each other we can all thrive.
Connectvertising Collective Agreements
I self-identify as a woman or non-binary person who owns a small business that supports healing, empowerment, holistic health, community building, creativity, anti-racism, social justice, or ecological well being (or any combination of these).
I want to support other women & non-binary-owned small businesses and in turn be supported.
I am willing to highlight at least 3 other Connectvertising Collective businesses or their offerings in my e-mail newsletter or social media marketing over the next year (more is welcome).
I will add a link to the Connectvertising Collective webpage (currently hosted by Alderroot Healing & Renewal) to my website or social media (We will send a reminder with the link).
I am willing to be added to an e-mail group with other members of the Connectvertising Collective so we can share offerings with each other (to be shared with our respective communities as/when desired).