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Alderroot Healing & Renewal
Now Booking: Spring Equinox Gathering, Forest Bathing Camp & Costa Rica Retreat

Welcoming spring with open hearts:
An equinox gathering for reflection, ritual, and restorative yoga
Saturday March 15, 7:00-9:00pm
at the Yoga Refuge
with Dr. Heather Burns & Nora Stoelting
This gathering will support us in opening our hearts as we welcome the spring season. In this moment of cultural, political, and ecological upheaval and uncertainty, it can feel natural to want to hide our hearts away, to contract and shut down to keep ourselves safe. But opening our hearts can support us in knowing and trusting the sheltered harbor of our connectedness.
In welcoming spring with open hearts we can bring our radical gifts of softness, beauty, and light to our relationships and to all we do. At this gathering we will offer the opportunity for reflection, ritual, and simple restorative yoga with reiki, so that you may practice opening your heart to softness, beauty, and light this spring season.
Cost: $35-75 Sliding Scale
Open to all identities- no experience necessary
Wear comfortable clothing, bring a yoga mat if you have one
Meet your facilitators

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